How to Enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

VeraWallet users who already have two factor authentication enabled won’t notice any difference.

VeraWallet registered users who did not set up two factor authentication will be presented with a screen to force the two factor authentication setup after you next sign in.

New users will have the two factor authentication setup as another step of the account creation process.

On - Enter an email address and password, confirm you are not a robot by sliding the square to complete the puzzle.

Protect your account - Set up Two-Factor Authentication

Use your authentication app (such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Twilio Authy) to scan the presented QR code or Add the provided account details manually into your two-factor authenticator app.

Scroll Down, and Click Next, Please enter a code generated by your authenticator app on your mobile phone or device.

Two-Factor Authentication is successfully set up and enabled, Save a copy of this secret key to be able to restore your account in future. If you click save the code button it will save a .png file with a copy of the code to your device, select Save.

The secret key is a unique 16 character alphanumeric code that is required in case you ever need to restore access to your account.

Write down or print a copy of the 16-digit secret key and keep it in a safe place. Do not share this secret key with anyone. We will never ask you for this key.

If your phone gets lost, stolen or erased, you will need this secret key to link your VeraWallet account to a new authenticator.

Go to complete account to continue account setup.

2-Step Verification provides stronger security by requiring a second step of verification when you sign in. In addition to your password, you’ll also need a code generated by your Authenticator app on your phone or device.